December 2009
WELCOME New book about our artistic research KOREOGRAFI UTE/CHOREOGRAPHY IN THE OPEN Launching at Oslo National Academy of the Arts/KHiO Thursday torsdag 10th December studio 10 at h16:00-17:30.
+ Order at: mail (at)
Kristine Lillevik
Photo-editor: Helge Reistad
Anne Grete Eriksen
September 2009
Pilot project - Puccinis "La Boheme" for Den Nye Opera
Videoprojection: Epi
Light Design: Torkel Skjærven
Costume: Leiko Fuseya
August 2009
Pilot Project at Västerhamnen, Malmö for outdoor choreography, commissioned by Skånes Dansteater
Composer: Bjarne Kvinnsland
Dramaturg: Halldis Hoaas
Costume: Anna Bonnevier
light: Thorsten Dahn
video: Epi
October 2008
ThreeMothers in Düsseldorf Tanzhaus nrw - 7th & 8th October
Perfomers: Kari Anne Bjerkestrand, Gry Kipperberg, Liv Gunhild Tandberg
©photo: Helge Reistad
October 2008
30 Years of Activity
More information here!
©photo: John Alfheim
September 2008
ThreeMothers at Dansens Hus Oslo 14th - 15th September
Perfomers: Kari Anne Bjerkestrand, Gry Kipperberg, Liv Gunhild Tandberg
More information here!
©photo: Helge Reistad
August 2008
JUV/The Gorge
Seen by an audience of more than 8000! Third season premiered 7th August 2008
More information here!
©photo: Helge Reistad
March 2008
Premiered 6th - 9th March 2008 in Djuvsbotn, Sauda European Culture Capital Stavanger 2008 comissioned Dansdesign to create a new spectacular dance performance in the snowy landscape on the Sauda mountains
More information & pictures here!
Composer - Bjarne Kvinnsland 3D animations - Marianne Selsjord Costume - Indrani Balgobin Light - Inger Johanne Byhring Dramaturgy - Halldis Hoaas
Dancers Inger Malene Glette, Guro Rimeslåtten, Lone Torvik, Erika Hebbert - Larsen, Gry Bech-Hanssen, Julie Ekornes, Ida Wigdel, Suleika Ali, Kenneth Flak, Wilfried Seethaler, Gary Thomlinson, Thomas Gundersen, Leif Nygaard
Balanceartist - Eskil Rønningsbakken
Musicians Hild Sofie Tafjord, Eirik Raude, Rolf Erik Nystrøm Markus Hernes
Video - NRK
Stavanger Aftenblad
Stavanger Aftenblad
Rogalands Avis
Rogalands Avis
©photo: Per Inge Fjellheim
©photo: Marianne Selsjord
November/December 2007
Little Einstein and ThreeMothers on tour
Einstein in Bergens Tidende pt 1
Einstein in Bergens Tidende pt 2
©photo: Yaniv Cohen
August 2007
INVITASJON TIL AUDITION I forbindelse med Stavanger 2008 Europeisk Kulturhovedstad inviterer Dansdesign til audition og påfølgende workshop lørdag 18. august kl 12.00. Sted: Scenehuset, Bogstadvn. 49, Oslo Det skal engasjeres dansere til forestillingen med arbeidstittelen; SAUDA - TOUR en l'air/Mot himlaleite. Forestillingen vil foregå i Djuvsbotn i Sauda i fjellene i øvre del av Sauda Skisenter med premiere 6. mars 2008.
©animation: Marianne Selsjord
JUV (the Gorge) a creation for the Per Gynt Festival was premiered Aug 2006. This is an otudoor choreography for Frya River with dancers, extreme sports, new music and design. Due to the success JUV will be staged again at the Per Gynt Festival this year in August 2007.
Production: Peer Gynt A/S, Norway
Performance dates: 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 Aug. 2007
Article in "Dølen"
©photo: Helge Reistad
May 2007
Little Einstein's Christmaswish Finalist for Best Culture Production Award: Gullsekken
More information here!
©photo: Helge Reistad
December 2006
Little Einstein's Christmaswish for Carte Blanche Dancetheatre, Bergen
Production: Carte Blanche Danseteater, Bergen, Norway
Critique & video Bergens Tidende 7/12-06
©photo: Helge Reistad
October 2006
Schreibstück performed 26-28 OCTOBER at the Project Arts Centre, Dublin (Ireland)
©photo: Helge Reistad
August 2006
New creation for The Peer Gynt Festival, title: JUV (the Gorge) An outdoor choreography for Frya River with dancers, extreme sports, new music and design.
Production: Peer Gynt A/S, Norway
Performance dates: 10, 11 & 12 Aug. 2006
Critique Aftenposten 11/8-06
©photos: Helge Reistad
March 2006 New choreography, Schreibstück, after a manuscript by Tomas Lehmen (http:/, will be performed in Cork (Ireland) and Wienna (Austria), and Oslo during March and April.
Dancers: Gry Bech-Hanssen Lone Torvik Inger Malene Glette
Tanzquartier Wien GmbH ( and
Production: Dance House, Norway
Performance dates: Vienna: 29th & 30th March Oslo: 7th & 8th April
Advance review, Dagsavisen 7/4-06
March 2006 Rottejomfruen/The RatVirgin Unveiling of the sculpture made by Bente Nordheim in Skien, Norway the 20th of March
Dancers Ingunn Rimestad Lone Torvik
©Photo: dansdesign
September 2005 Audition for dancers for JUV and Schreibstück Sunday 11th September
November 2005 ThreeMothers, a choreography for 0-3 years of age will be performed by Carte Blanche Dancetheatre, Bergen at Den Nationale Scene from 17th November - 3rd December. Dancers: Guro Nagelhus Schia, Camilla Spidsøe, Lena Meland & Hege Holte Østbye
February April 2005 Touring France with TreeMothers- ex auditorio.
photo: Yaniv Cohen
October 2004 First night SaXing, performed by the quartet Saxofon Consentus, touring with Rikskonsertene. Choreography: Dansdesign (Oct 18th 2004)
June 2004 ThreeMothers - ex auditorio, performance at the Glitterbird Art for the very Young, seminar in Oslo. (June 25th 2004)
April 2004 "Action towards Articulation". CD-rom presentation of Research at Oslo NationalCollege of the Arts. The CD-rom can be seen in the KHiO library or at the Centre for the Art of Dance. (April 29th 2004)
November 2003 ThreeMothers - ex auditorio, performed at the Norwegian Arts Council Conference in Oslo, Children meet Art. (November 19th 2004)
October 2003 Hedda-award for best childrens performance ThreeMothers - ex auditorio
Perfomers: Caroline Wahlstrøm Nesse, Sigrid Edvardsson, Liv Gunhild Tandberg
©photo: Karl Henrik Børseth